Sobol Sensitivity Analysis for Integrated Assessment Models: Supporting Result Characterization (MS ’19)
Lisa is interested in using computer science to explore issues related to the economic impacts of climate change, and to support research and policy-making in this area. Her current research revolves around the social cost of carbon (SCC), sensitivity/uncertainty analysis, robust decision making, and software development and usability. She currently works on software development of the Mimi package to support the construction and use of integrated assessment models, as well as uncertainty analysis and sensitivity analysis. Her Master’s project work focused on global sensitivity analysis as applied to integrated assessment models. She also recently completed an MSc. in Computer Science at UC Berkeley studying programming languages, software development, and their application to climate research and policy. She spent the three years previous to ERG working at an environmental consulting firm called Industrial Economics Inc. where she leveraged data analysis, computer programming, and GIS to work on projects related to the economic affects of climate change, specifically those related to water resources, and assist policy-makers in planning paths forward. She has a B.A. from Dartmouth College in Environmental Studies, focused on environmental economics, and a Post-Baccalaureate Computer Science Minor from Tufts University.
- MimiBRICK.jl: A Julia package for the BRICK model for sea-level change in the Mimi integrated modeling framework
- The Social Cost of Carbon: Advances in Long-Term Probabilistic Projections of Population, GDP, Emissions, and Discount Rates
- Climate change damages to Alaska public infrastructure and the economics of proactive adaptation
- Climate change impacts on harmful algal blooms in US freshwaters: a screening-level assessment
- Climate change impacts on US water quality using two models: HAWQS and US basins
- Projecting future costs to US electric utility customers from power interruptions
- Estimating wildfire response costs in Alaska’s changing climate
- Avoiding and Reducing Long-term Risks of Climate Change: A Technical Report for the Fourth National Climate Assessment
Society, environment and economics lab