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Priyanka Mohanty

What are the Best Practices for Rapid and Just Energy Transition? (MS ’22)

Priyanka earned her Masters of Science with the Energy and Resources Group. At ERG, she works on a variety of issues including the identification and quantification of the economic benefits of just transition policies and explore issues at the nexus of international economic development and climate action. While at ERG, she works at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab International Energy Division and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research where she has developed a specialization in the technologies and policies required to decarbonize the transport sector. Prior to coming to ERG, she worked with the New Climate Economy (NCE), a major international initiative housed within the World Resource Institute and governed by the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate. At NCE, she provided research support for their flagship 2018 global report “Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century: Accelerating Climate Action in Urgent Times”, authored research briefings on climate finance for the 2018 G7 meetings, and managed the project’s country portfolios in China, India and Indonesia, working with high level stakeholders and government agencies to help implement a low-carbon development policy agenda.

Curriculum Vitae

Fields of Research:

Economics of Climate Policy, Just Transition, Energy, Transport



  • Masters of Science, Energy and Resources, University of California Berkeley, May 2022


  • GSI – Climate Change Economics

Research Group:


  • David Anthoff (ERG)
  • Amol Phadke (LBNL)
